Happy 4th of July: An Ode to the United States of America!
July 4th, 2021
They say a picture is worth a thousand words but then how many words would 385 pictures be worth?
I have now been through the four different seasons in the US — Fall,Winter,Spring and Summer — during and post the pandemic.
It has been fun observing the nuances, parallels, opposites and cultural juxtaposition between living here and in Nigeria and documenting my favorite things about things as well.
However, certain things have remained unchanging - GOD, family, friends, good food, and a home away from home - for which I am very grateful.
Its been almost a year since I prevailed the storms of Zoom University and time-zone differences… since I moved cross-country, started a whole new life (though living alone),survived the COVID-19 virus, started a thriving podcast and embraced new passions all while adjusting to the niceties (nice and nasty) of America.
I want to describe it all in words, more words, but they could never be enough.
On Medium at least,I write about how I now believe in “Mental Health” because of how schooling in an Ivy League University almost made me lose my mind. Some of these pictures even show the tiredness in my eyes and the brokenness that was my spirit but I kept pushing because school doesn’t make me. I “make” school just like with every other circumstance I come across and will ever come across.
I could go on and on and even talk more about it all on my podcast but please enjoy the picture avalanche while I still find the words, though, if by any chance you wish to uncover the full story belying these pictures then I would show to my @thenonimmigrantstudent page which is a museum of many firsts and lasts (e.g. drinking vodka).
In the meantime, I’d just like to thank the United States of America for being everything I dreamed of and more. A different part of me I always knew existed has now been set free and, I now smile for a living.
I know there’s still more to come, highs and lows, which I anticipate with a victorious mind…but for today and right now:
Thank you America and Happy Independence🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Enjoy the fireworks, baby❤️❤️❤️