A woman blessed with the spiritual gift of great Faith.

World of Escape
4 min readApr 3, 2022

Like Abram, Abrama was called to serve faithfully and lead a blameless life.

Like Abram, Abrama was given a new name.

Like Abraham, Abrahama is a friend of God.

Like Abraham, Abrahama — a [wo]man of great faith — has had her faith tested…

But like Abraham, Abrahama trusts in God.

For a moment, I wondered if my faith could turn fake plants into real ones then I realized that it didn’t matter whether or not it could but it mattered whether or not I could trust God to make it happen [if He said He would] ~ Abrahama

Like Noah, she trusts God to confirm His covenant with her.

Like Abraham, she trusts God enough to give up her flesh and blood to preserve their friendship.

Like Moses parents’, she trusts that at the end of the Nile River, there would be someone waiting.

Like Moses, she trusts God to make an orator, a country’s spoke person out of a stammerer.

Like Moses, she wants to trust that seas as long as 1,900 km, as wide as 300km, with over a thousand species of fish, can be parted in two to bring about land transportation by foot.

Like Joshua and Caleb, she trusts that God will bring her to herPromised Land.

Like Elijah, she trusts God to make fire out of wood and a water-filled trench, fire triangle be damned.

Like David, she trusts that God can cause a six foot giant to die by a rough-edged stone.

Like David, she trusts that she can rescue sheep out of a lion’s jaw.

Like Esther, she trusts God to make her the exception to the king’s rule.

Like Job, she trusts God enough not to curse Him for allowing her [to experience] misfortune.

Like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, she trusts that she won’t go through the fire alone.

Like Daniel, she trusts that even ‘if’ she breaks a law not to worship, He will preserve her life.

Like Daniel, she now trusts that a prey can befriend their predator.

Like Zerubbabel she has trusted God to move mountains and though they did not move, He brought her up and over them.

Like the Roman centurion, she trusts that the Word alone can bring healing.

Like Mary, she trusts God to give colour, taste & smell to a clear, tasteless liquid without smell. Hydrogen & Oxygen become wine.

Like the woman with the issue of blood, she trusts that drawing close enough [to touch His garment] can change her situation and in turn her life.

Like Peter, she wants to trust that she can defy known facts/principles (perhaps, the law of gravity) to answer His voice calling her into the deep.

Though she occasionally needs to see the holes caused by the nails in his hands, and thrust her finger into the holes in his sides; like Thomas, she trusts that He died and resurrected to save her from her sins.

Like Lazarus’s sisters, she trusts that He can raise the medically and definitely confirmed dead.

Like Paul, she trusts that trials, tribulations and long suffering can bring about great Joy.

Like all the saints of old, she trusts in God’s perceived foolishness as much as His wisdom. For her God is a God of oxymorons.

She trusts that in Christ, if she loses her life she will find it and she trusts that in Him, she has received eternal life.

Once again, like Abraham, she trusts that God will fulfill all His promises to her.

How do you trust God?

Epilogue — A prayer of Faith:

Like Peter called out upon waters,

Lead me to where my trust is without borders…to a great unknown, where my feet could fail.

…and may I find You in the mystery, in oceans deep where my faith will stand [and never fall].

Author’s note:

For the longest time, the Old Testament (OT) was my favorite part of the Bible because the God of the OT was the only God I wanted to know and experience. I loved me a God that chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; and chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.

As a child, I was most fascinated by the stories in the Bible where ‘’stuff’’ didn’t add up. Stories that were impossible in reality and for sure could only have happened because…God. I wanted to experience this matchless power, His matchless power.

If what it took to experience that power was to live my life like Abraham et al (test after test, trust and obedience after trust and obedience), then I will strive to live my life that way while proclaiming the self-given name — Abrahama.

May she continually hold unto FAITH: the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11 verse 1,KJV)

How do you trust God?



World of Escape
World of Escape

Written by World of Escape

[Writing is my liberation] and there is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you ~ Maya Angelou

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